
日期 : 2011-02-15

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还记得若干年前的网页构架都是静态页面,以静态的数据文本和图片为基础来展现网页信息。而现在,随便就可以看到一个个标准的成都网络公司网页的应用就整合了许多复杂的内容和表单。这正是由于社交媒体的增长带来的比过去多得多的网络用户,This is reflected by a rise in participation from Internet users. There are more areas today for people to interact with websites than ever before. Social networking, blog comments, live chats, and photo sharing websites are just a few to be named.

尤其反映在网络用户参与度的增加上。与过去相比,目前的网络环境有许许多多的方面都需要人们与网页互动。例如社交网站、在线聊天、发表博客、相互评论,这仅仅只是其中的一部分。The future of web is going to bolster even further growth with user interaction. We can imagine users creating their own styles and ideas for how they want to see websites created. Variant font sizes and families are already available in most modern browsers today. When will we hold the ability to re-size websites or recolor difficult-to-read text?
Most would agree this paradigm shift comes with a heavy twofold effect. With more people accessing and contributing to the web we’re seeing less interaction required by web designers. Digital artists are able to focus on what they love most – art!




